
Paranormaal, 2012, voorspellen, grenswetenschappen, esotherie, vragen en antwoorden, healing, inspiratie

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Berichten: 15
Lid geworden op: 18-06-2009 16:57


Bericht door Sjoesjoe » 24-07-2009 19:56

Among others i have clear dreams.
One especially i want to share.
It was halfway 2001.

I'm still trying to find out about my clear dream (always happen to be true, but difficult to determine at times)
In my dream i was in a lab, not in my own country i knew, old place, blue floor, cages and crates with small fluffy animals like rabbits, hamsters, cats etc and children, i think most white blond girls. The children flustered just a few words, were not educated, were clothed in some soft fabric, light blue with white along the borders, not especially pyamas. Further i did not see any names or numbers on the cages, all was very quiet.

I saw from where i stood another room where i knew more technical equipment and preparation of stuff and testing, i noticed one employee, dark hair, not sure what kind of nationality, south Russian, Asiatic, just a normal white lab coat, nothing special. I think it was English speaking surrounding (strange in my dream, as i am used to dream in my own language, which is not English).
I knew there was cross testing and infecting, the children were created for those tests by the way and to die from it.
I could see them in different stages of their diseases.

Of course i sent the descriptions what i saw the next days after that dream to people with medical knowledge, specialized with viruses and the kind of created diseases. They said it seemed the first stages of anthrax as well as smallpox and not sure about other.
It started with red swellings on their chest about 2 centimeter circles, forming one bigger swelling like edema, in their face and after you see red open circles of about 1/2 centimeter and the whole skin got tight, reddish and yellowish, until the kids died.
I found on internet after good descriptions of older lab tests, indeed with the cross testing and joining of several virus families, human and animal viruses mixed and crossed.

You might be interested to know the Iraqi were / are testing with camel pox, for which the middle east people genetically are immune, but not the people from the western world. so they might be creating a weapon for genocide.

All i dreamed i've found in existence by now, so it's very thinkable the cocktail consists of the many ingredients described by the specialists like anthrax, smallpox, brucilla, tularemia, botulism, whatever.....
Here at the bottom are some links i found about it, describing what i saw.
So of course the questions:
** did they succeed
** who were they
** where is the result of their nasties

As the dream and looking for those DNA tests was all in 2001, most of these links are no longer there.
After security services were informed about this dream, most of the most controversial descriptions were removed even from the internet archives.

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline ... build.html
In this one describing tests with the iraqi camelpox which will not harm the
own people around, who would be resistent,
http://cns.miis.edu/cns/dc/020201.htm (same info, but better description,
more technical also in how it's spread around)
http://www.gulf-news.com/Articles/news. ... cleID=8646 and one more with
Brucella as one of their weapons...

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/he ... llpox03159
(smallpox, camelpox, etc)
http://www.bats.ch/abstr/197k2a24.htm !!!! here they talk about rabbit pox!
remember i saw the rabbits and fluffy skinned animals, rabbits, some smaller
kinds and cats as well!!!!!! so it exists! and the kind of tests exist! and
the other pages there......
http://www.bats.ch/abstr/197k2a5.htm (combining different pox-families)
These are very old tests already, so lot of knowledge and further
development (in secret?) to be expected.

You might remember several years ago many parents got angry when the US government wanted to test small pox vaccine on healthy youths. Some volunteered, of whom several got ill and even died.

Berichten: 15
Lid geworden op: 18-06-2009 16:57

Bericht door Sjoesjoe » 24-07-2009 20:01

I saw the people who dealt with the anthrax creation, and a certain auburn haired woman (painted) with "Rose" in her name (Rosenberg?) was secretly involved.

Now have a look at todays papers.
This is not my dream, but so you know those things do happen in more areas. Which makes my dream more reliable. Unfortunately.

Vr 24 juli 2009.
'Noord-Korea test wapens op kinderen'
Uitgegeven: 24 juli 2009 18:40
Laatst gewijzigd: 24 juli 2009 18:39
SEOUL - Het communistische regime in Noord-Korea test chemische en biologische wapens op mensen. Vooral geestelijk en lichamelijk gehandicapte kinderen worden voor de experimenten misbruikt.
© Novum Nieuws

Dat heeft een Noord-Koreaanse overloper gezegd in een vrijdag gepubliceerd interview met de Arabische nieuwszender al-Jazeera.

''Als je mentaal of fysiek gehandicapt geboren wordt, zegt de regering dat je het beste een bijdrage kunt leveren aan de maatschappij als proefkonijn'', zegt Im Chun-yong, een voormalige commandant van de Noord-Koreaanse elitetroepen, die tien jaar geleden uitweek naar Zuid-Korea.

Eerder waren al berichten over experimenten op politieke gevangenen in het totalitaire en geïsoleerde land naar buiten gekomen. Maar dat voor dergelijke nazipraktijken ook kinderen zijn misbruikt, was nog onbekend.


Im hoorde van zijn eigen soldaten verhalen over de tests. Een van de mannen moest een geheime basis bewaken, waar een aantal mensen in een glazen kamer werd gestopt. Er werd gas in de kamer gepompt en artsen controleerden vervolgens hoelang het duurde voor de testpersonen stierven.

Ook vertelt Im over een militaire commandant die door zijn superieuren werd gedwongen zijn 12-jarige geestelijk gehandicapte dochter mee te geven. Van het meisje is nooit meer iets vernomen.


Tien jaar lang hield hij het gruwelijke verhaal voor zich omdat het volgens hem te erg was om aan te denken. Omdat Im met gezondheidsproblemen kampt en Noord-Korea zich de laatste tijd steeds onvoorspelbaarder gedraagt, besloot hij naar buiten te treden.

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