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The truth behind the scenes

Geplaatst: 26-10-2010 09:43
door Eveline

Very interesting blog about the truth behind the scenes:


Geplaatst: 26-10-2010 09:52
door Eveline ... tists.html

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NASA, JPL scientists support to Billy Meier’s extraterrestrial case poses problems for government
October 17, 2010

NASA, JPL scientists support to Billy Meier’s extraterrestrial case poses problems for government

According to Michael Horn, U.S. media representative for the Meier case, the scientific support was not only unprecedented but posed unique problems for governmental and media agencies. “Consider that you had major scientists like Malin saying, ‘I find the photographs themselves credible, they're good photographs.

They appear to represent a real phenomenon,’ while he naturally found it hard to accept that ‘some farmer in Switzerland is on a first name basis with dozens of aliens who come to visit him…’ Similar opinions were expressed by Robert Post of JPL, who said, ‘From a photography standpoint, you couldn't see anything that was fake about the Meier photos.

That's what struck me. And of course Marcel Vogel’s conclusion that, even with all of the resources of IBM available to him, he couldn’t duplicate the metal samples given to Meier by the extraterrestrials.’”

Horn said that Kinder, who was a skeptic about the Meier case when he began his research, apparently foresaw the likelihood that the various scientific experts could later regret being so candid about their findings. “

Threats regarding withdrawal of funding could be used to get them to distance themselves from something as controversial as a UFO case. So Kinder, who is also a lawyer, made sure that each expert read and then signed off on their statements before publication in his book, Light Years.”

Damage control from the powers that be reportedly took the form of enlisting UFO organizations, like MUFON, to ignore, suppress or actively discredit the Meier case. According to Horn, “The fact that they, and almost all other such groups, still steadfastly refuse to discuss, research or take a position on it seems to bear out that theory.

And considering the overwhelming scientific corroboration for Meier’s information, one has to wonder why these groups waste their time chasing lights in the sky. While it’s too late for the scientists to disavow their expert opinions in favor of the case, MUFON is not similarly burdened because of their own lack of any such scientific credibility.”

Over the years, Meier has received numerous prophecies from the Pleiadians, which he has recorded, and in some instances shared with others to be kept confidential until the specific predictions came to pass. I will list a few of the more amazing and leave it to you to believe or disbelieve.

Prophecy Date: February 28, 1987

Prediction: Warning of the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) by terrorism, the series of worldwide wars that the US would subsequently launch, and military actions involving Russia, China, France, Germany, Spain, England, Scandinavia and many Third World and other countries.

Event: September 11, 2001, the WTC was destroyed; the United States has already attacked Afghanistan and Iraq as of the time of this writing. Prophecy Date: October 19, 1978

Prediction : Meier described existence of Jupiter's rings, saying:

* They are composed mainly of dust, particles, sulphur ions flung off by volcanoes on Io;
* Described Io as the most volcanically active body in the solar system, and smooth, level-surfaced with no water; described Europa as ice-encrusted;
* Jupiter said to have 17 "actual" moons;
* Described nature of Jupiter's huge funnel-shaped storm.

Event: March 5, 1979, NASA's Voyager 1 probe discovered the rings of Jupiter, that Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system and that Europa is covered in ice-five months after Meier published this information.

Event: September 15, 1998, Cornell University scientists confirmed particulate composition of rings from Jupiter's moons (first theorized by astronomers on August 2, 1995). Meier's information is 20 years ahead of Cornell's. (While scientists believe that the source of the particulate matter is explosions caused by meteorite strikes on the moons' surfaces, Meier's information seems more accurate, i.e., that matter being propelled from volcanoes at speeds up to 2,300 km/hour to heights of 180 km is more likely the true source of most particulate-forming rings.

Billy Eduard Meier who is highly controversial and some even call him a hoaxer.

But what's about his knowledge of water on mars back in 1976? Yes you heard right he is the man who beat NASA by 32 years about discovery of water on mars.

While NASA's announcement on July 31, 2008 discovery of water on Mars, excited scientists, Meier had already been informed about water on the planet Mars - on July 8, 1976 by aliens.

(or watch these last two videos on ... tists.html )

Geplaatst: 26-10-2010 09:54
door Eveline ... rt_25.html

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Ex-MUFON Director Expressed His Support For The Billy Meier UFO Extraterrestrial Case
October 25, 2010

Ex-MUFON Eastern Region Director Expressed His Support For The Billy Meier UFO Extraterrestrial Case

Earlier this month we have reported how NASA, JPL scientists support to Billy Meier’s extraterrestrial case poses problems for government [Link]

Now in an unexpected development pertaining to the evidence rich, but widely censored, Billy Meier UFO contact case in Switzerland, a prominent long time director for MUFON, the most well known international UFO investigation organization, broke ranks with official policy and expressed his support for the Meier case.

George A. Flier, MUFON's Eastern Region Director and a retired Major in the USAF, prominently displayed one of Meier's UFO photographs from the pre-computer 1970s, along with information about high level scientific support for the case. He also endorsed the assessment of authenticity by another trusted military man, the late Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens, who was the lead independent investigator in the case.

According to Michael Horn, the U.S. media representative for the Swiss contactee, "Recent revelations called into question MUFON's failure to ever investigate the almost 70 year-long, still ongoing UFO case. So when a widely respected investigator like Major Flier shows himself to be a maverick in search of the truth, it's certain to encourage broader scientific examination into Meier's evidence.

There are many 'regulars' in the so-called 'UFO community' who have been content to recycle and rehash unprovable, anecdotal information and make a career out of it. Fortunately we have a notable exception here."

"The whole UFO phenomenon has been, often deservedly, viewed as a fringe topic. But suddenly even the major networks are covering reported sightings of UFOs, though most are really only secret military craft.

The one taboo, of course continues to be the Meier case; it's verifiably extraterrestrial evidence and content are viewed as threatening to our political and religious systems by those that want to maintain complete societal control. But that fear has resulted in very important information being withheld from the public. And, ironically, various investigative organizations, like MUFON, have been as suppressive as the mainstream media," according to Horn.

"With the simultaneous crumbling facade of the not-so-expert experts, the documented prophetic accuracy of Meier's scientific information and the ever increasing occurrence of long warned about events, it is hoped that a large enough number of people will indeed wake up in time to try to help us avert whatever crises we still can...and help us to survive that which can no longer be prevented. We do thank Major Flier for his unexpected contribution to this effort." said Horn.